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Anthony Phillipson
Therapist, based in San Rafael, California, USA

T: 415-748-4862 (cell)
E: adphillipson@gmail.com
I was born in the Second World War in Great Britain. Result? physically and mentally healthy but emotionally crushed and buried.
An apparently successful career as a geologist cracked and foundered over the question of marriage, and I plunged into an early depressive illness and psychosis, initiating three years of drugs and disintegration, till I came to myself, and began the healing journey that continues to this day.
In the early '80s, a series of events, that seemed undoubtedly orchestrated from a higher level, led me to SHEN Therapy, which was still in its pioneering phase, and years later evolved into KAIROS. My healing progressed by leaps and bounds because the emotions I didn't know I was carrying began to break through. I loved it because it worked - much better than anything else I have tried; it has a logical theory behind it, and it was and is teachable (elements important to my scientifically trained mind).
In recent years with KAIROS Therapy, major pre-natal emotional trauma has unwound, bringing me to a feeling of being a healthily normal human being, and feeling happy and very ready to be added to the list of Kairos Practitioners.