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Jacqueline Finnerty
Therapist, based in Connemara, Ireland

T: 0871 516 129
E: kairosconamara@gmail.com
Instagram: @kairos_conamara
I'm a Connemara native who recently returned home after many years due to lifestyle changes during the pandemic. Like many my life has changed dramatically in the past two years and as a result new challenges occur.
A friend recommended I go for a Kairos session in the midst of this transition. I've had Reiki and Cranio Sacral work done in the past so I was open to trying something new. Once I had one session of Kairos I knew immediately this work was deeper as I could feel the effects instantly.
I continued to have regular work and couldn’t believe the shift internally. My practitioner who is one of the founders of Kairos in Ireland agreed to teach me and I have now completed my two years of training hours in Kairos.
I'm looking forward to continuing to share Kairos Therapy with clients, current & new. After the last two years it's safe to say we could all benefit from healing during these unprecedented times.